Wilkes County Schools

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4000 Series - Students » 4316 Bus Conduct

4316 Bus Conduct

The driving of a school bus requires the undivided attention of the driver. Disturbances on school buses may be directly responsible for serious accidents causing serious damages, body injuries, and even death by diverting the attention of the driver. School officials, teachers, and parents throughout the state are expressing increasing concern over student misconduct on buses.

Therefore the Wilkes County Superintendent of Schools is instructed to put into force immediately the following procedures:
  1. Notify, or cause to be notified, all parents of this action and request their full cooperation in the disciplining of school bus passengers.
  2. Notify, or cause to be notified, the parents of students who refuse to cooperate with bus drivers, principals, and teachers.
  3. If said student, or students, persist in causing trouble on the bus by refusing to cooperate, said student, or students, will be barred from riding a school bus for a period of time determined by school officials, and the parent shall be notified.
  4. If said student, or students, continue to cause trouble on the bus after having been barred from riding the bus, then the parent shall be notified again and said student, or students, may be denied the privilege of riding a public school bus for the remainder of the school year. This action must have the approval of the superintendent.
Legal Reference:  G.S. 115C-241; G.S. 115C-242
Cross Reference:
Adopted:  January 9, 2006