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4000 Series - Students » 4301 Authority of School Personnel

4301 Authority of School Personnel

The principal has the authority and responsibility to investigate and take appropriate action regarding any antisocial or criminal student behavior and any other behavior appropriately referred to him or her. The principal is responsible for informing students and parents of any standards or rules which if violated could result in short-term or long-term suspension or expulsion.

The teacher has the authority and responsibility to manage student behavior in the classroom and while students are under his or her supervision. The teacher is expected to implement the student behavior management plan and any other school standards or rules. The teacher may develop other standards or rules consistent with the direction provided by the Board of Education and school. A teacher, student teacher, substitute teacher, voluntary teacher, or teacher assistant will report acts of violence in school to the principal.

The teacher has the authority to manage or remove disruptive or dangerous students. School personnel may use reasonable force to control behavior or to remove a person from the scene in those situations when necessary:
  1. to quell a disturbance threatening injury to others;
  2. to obtain possession of a weapon or other dangerous object on the person, or within the control, of a student;
  3. for self-defense;
  4. for the protection of persons or property; or
  5. to maintain order on school property, in the classroom, or at a school-related activity on or off school property.
Students will comply with all directions of principals, teachers, substitute teachers, student teachers, teacher assistants, bus drivers, and all other school personnel who are authorized to give such directions, during any period of time when they are subject to the authority of such personnel.
Legal References:  G.S. 115C-47, -288, -307, -390, -391
Cross References:  Student Safety (policy 1510/4200), School Plan for Management of Student Behavior (Board of Education policy 4302)
Adopted:  January 9, 2006