Wilkes County Schools serves approximately 9,300 students in grades PreK through 13. The goal of our thirteen elementary schools, four middle schools, and five high schools is to empower our youth to be leaders in a global community.
The Wilkes County School System is committed to excellence in teaching and to the belief that all students can learn. Our goal is to promote high expectations for student success through a partnership with school, home, and community. We understand strong leadership is the key to preparing students to be 21st Century learners.
We are located in the Northwest Foothills of North Carolina's beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains.
Address and Phone Number
613 Cherry Street
North Wilkesboro, NC 28659
Phone: (336) 667-1121
From 421 North (Mountains), take the NC18/16 Brushy Mountain exit. Turn left and continue to drive straight for 2 miles. The Board of Education building will be on your right.
Detailed directions: When you turn left after exiting on the Brushy Mountain exit (see above), you will be on Oakwoods Road. Continue straight. At the first traffic light, Oakwoods Road will become Wilkesboro Avenue. Continue straight. You will cross a bridge and a second traffic light. After the second traffic light, you will come to a curve and Wilkesboro Avenue will become Cherry Street. The Board of Education building will be on your immediate right.
From 421 South (Piedmont), take the NC18/16 Brushy Mountain exit. Turn right and continue to drive straight for 2 miles. The Board of Education building will be on your right.
Detailed directions: When you turn right after exiting on the Brushy Mountain exit (see above), you will be on Oakwoods Road. Continue straight. At the first traffic light, Oakwoods Road will become Wilkesboro Avenue. Continue straight. You will cross a bridge and a second traffic light. After the second traffic light, you will come to a curve and Wilkesboro Avenue will become Cherry Street. The Board of Education building will be on your immediate right.