An evaluation system of students’ academic performance is necessary to help ensure that all students are succeeding within the framework of the educational goals and objectives of the Board of Education. The Wilkes County Board of Education believes that the formal issuance of student evaluations on a regular basis promotes continuous assessment of a student’s performance; informs the student, his or her parents or guardians, and the guidance counselor about the student’s performance and progress; and provides a system of notice which allows intervention strategies to be implemented if necessary to improve the student’s performance. The Board of Education encourages teachers and principals to pursue innovative methods of evaluating progress. (The evaluation system should provide for regular communication with parents so that they may be informed and involved in their child’s education.)
It shall be the policy of this Board of Education that no teacher shall assign a failing average for reporting purposes to a student without previously engaging the student in interventions as prescribed within the Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS). Students shall receive grades according to the following system:
4 - Exceeds end of year grade level expectations
3 - Meets end of year grade level expectations
2 - Progressing toward end of year grade level expectations
1 - Limited progress toward end of year grade level expectations
0 - No progress toward end of year grade level expectations
S - Satisfactory
N - Not Yet
All grade reports, Grades 6-12 (quarter, exam, semester, and year) to parents and students shall be made using numerical grades. Students in grades K-5 will be assessed with standards based grading and will receive progress reports every 4 ½ weeks with a final report card and grade at the end of the year. Students failing to meet all course requirements including attendance and academic work may be assigned a grade of "I", Incomplete.
Schools shall name and publicize their honor roll students at the conclusion of each grading period.
Teachers will be responsible for evaluating student performance and keeping accurate records in order to substantiate a grade or assessment given in a course.
Wilkes County Schools recognizes that English Language Learners (ELLs) students possess a temporary disadvantage related to language acquisition and therefore will abide by federal mandate to incorporate appropriate strategies and accommodations into the educational setting for these students. As a result of this mandate, the following grading policy shall be used for ELL students in grades 3-8 who have been in US schools for less than 4 years and have a score of 4.0 Expanding or lower on the state English language proficiency test (W-APT or ACCESS). The English as a Second Language (ESL) program is federally mandated to prevent discrimination practices in the retention and grading of English Language Learners.
ELL students who meet the above criteria shall not receive a failing grade in any subject on their report card without the approval of the principal and the ESL Director. Retention of an ELL student in grades K-8, or denial of credits in grades 9-12, should only be considered if progress in ESL is very minimal or if academic difficulties are not related to second language acquisition.
The classroom teacher and the ESL teacher must review all available student information when considering whether to assign a failing grade or retain an ELL student. ESL teachers must be a part of discussions and decisions concerning the assignment of a failing grade or retention of any ELL student.
First, inquire as to what types of ESL classroom modifications and ESL testing accommodations are in place for this ESL student. Second, inquire as to whether these instructional modifications and testing accommodations have been used. If these ESL modifications and ESL accommodations have not been used consistently, the classroom teacher and the ESL teacher should strongly consider whether a failing grade or retention is appropriate for an ELL student.
Rubrics for the subjects of language arts, math, science, and social studies will be used to assess student’s class work assigning numerical values of 1-4. At the end of each grading period, the scoring rubric values will be converted to grades A-D or 100-55 as designated above to be recorded on the student’s report card. This rubric conversion system will be in effect for all ELL students who have scored less than 4.0 Expanding or lower in any tested domain of the W-APT or ACCESS Proficiency Test and have been in a US school for less than 4 years.
"Modifications made based on ELL status" comment should be recorded on the student’s report card to reflect use of this grading policy.
Legal References: G.S. § 115C-47, -81
Cross References: Goals and Objectives of the Educational Program (policy 3000), Parental Involvement (policy 1310/4002), Student Accountability Standards (policy 3420)
Adopted: May 17, 2004
Revised: August 2, 2010, April 4, 2011, October 1, 2012, September 8, 2014, May 11, 2015, August 13, 2018, October 7, 2019, June 1, 2020