Curriculum and instructional guides will be developed as necessary to support the state-mandated curriculum, the goals and objectives of the educational program (policy 3000), and any other expanded objectives or subject matter approved by the local Board of Education. State curriculum guides will be followed when mandated by state law. Any guides or outlines that go beyond the state-mandated curriculum must add to the curriculum offerings, but in no way may take away from the minimum defined standards established by the state.
Development/Modification of Guides
The curriculum director will oversee the development of new guides and/or modify existing guides that are to be used district-wide.
Individual schools may modify the curriculum and guides as a part of the school improvement plan. Any modifications must be approved by the curriculum director to ensure the continuity of the educational program.
Use of Guides
Curriculum and instructional guides are to serve as a framework from which a teacher will develop units of study, individual lesson plans, and approaches to instruction which will serve the students’ needs. The guides will be used to map the logical sequence of instruction.
Teachers must follow the content of the curriculum and instructional guide. Teachers are expected to use their professional judgment in determining the appropriate methods and pace for implementing the guides.
The curriculum director will ensure that principals have access to curriculum guides.
The principal will ensure that teachers have access to curriculum guides.
Legal References: G.S. 115C-36, -47, -81
Cross References: Goals and Objectives of the Educational Program (policy 3000), Curriculum and Instructional Guides (policy 3115), School Improvement Plan (policy 3430)
Adopted: January 9, 2006
Revised: April 4, 2011