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1000 Series - Governing Policies » 1510/4200 Student Safety

1510/4200 Student Safety

Safe schools are critical to creating a learning environment where students can succeed. Staff and students share in the responsibility to take reasonable precautions and safety measures to create and maintain safe schools. The following safety measures must be taken at each school.

Supervision of Students

Students must be reasonably supervised during school hours, including while in class, between classes, on the playground, and during recess or lunch periods.

Proper supervision must be provided and reasonable precautions taken during authorized school field trips.

Reasonable precautions should be taken to assure the safety of students on school grounds and on buses before, during, and after school.

Care of School Buildings and Grounds

The principal will inspect school buildings, playgrounds, equipment, and buses for health, fire, and safety hazards on a regular basis as required by law.

Any staff member who observes any potential hazards will immediately notify the principal.

The principal will notify the superintendent immediately of repairs needed in order to meet safety standards.

Proper signs indicating potential danger will be posted.

Establishing Processes to Address Potential Safety Concerns

Rules will be made in each school to help prevent accidents in buildings, on school grounds, or on the playgrounds.

As a part of instruction, school personnel will teach and review safety procedures and precautions with students for handling chemicals or potentially dangerous equipment.

Each school will practice emergency drills on a regular basis as required by law.

Students should notify any staff member of any acts of violence or any unusual or suspicious behavior that may endanger safety. Staff must report immediately to the principal any student's information or their own observation of such behavior or acts of violence.

Students are expected to meet school behavioral standards and should expect consequences for misbehavior as provided in their schools’ student handbook and board policies.

Legal Reference: G.S. 115C-36, -47, -288, -307, -524

Cross Reference: Student Behavior Policies (all policies in the 4300 series), Staff Responsibilities (Policy 7300)

Adopted: January 9, 2006