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Public Notice
1000 Series - Governing Policies » 1400 Governing Principle - School Initiatives

1400 Governing Principle - School Initiatives

In a system of excellent schools, each school initiates improvements to the educational program and services for students and involves staff, parents, and students in the school-level decision-making processes. The Wilkes County Board of Education’s vision for encouraging school initiatives, including school-level decision-making, is expressed through the following board policies:

Policy 2475 School Rules
Policy 3100 Curriculum Development
Policy 3110 Innovation in Curriculum and Instruction
Policy 3115 Curriculum and Instructional Guides
Policy 3200 Selection of Textbooks and Supplemental Materials
Policy 3300 Time for Learning
Policy 3420 Student Progression and Placement
Policy 3430 School Improvement Plan
Policy 3540 Comprehensive Health Education Program
Policy 4302 School Plan for Management of Student Behavior
Policy 6125 Administering Medicines to Students
Policy 7210 Staff Involvement in Decision Making
Policy 8110 Budget Resolution

Legal References: G.S. 115C-36

Cross References: Governing Principles (Policy 1100), Board and Superintendent Relations (Policy 2010), Adoption of Policies (Policy 2420)

Adopted: January 9, 2006