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5000 Series - Community Relations » 5240 Recruiters

5240 Recruiters

In compliance with applicable federal law, the Wilkes County Board of Education adopts this policy to provide student access to recruiters for educational and employment opportunities. To assure compliance with the equal access requirements, no recruiter shall be permitted to visit any school campus more frequently than two (2) times during a school semester. For the purposes of this policy, each branch of the military is considered to be a separate recruiting organization.
The primary goal of the Wilkes County Schools is to educate students. Recruiting activities that interfere with traditional school programs shall not be permitted. Any recruiter who harasses students or staff, deliberately provides misleading or false information, or who does not comply with applicable state and federal laws or school regulations shall be prohibited from further recruiting activities on campus.
The Board of Education acknowledges the legal requirement that if military recruiters are permitted to have access to students on campus, equal access must be provided to organizations that wish to present alternatives to military service, such as the Peace Corps and Americorps. This policy of equal access does not include individuals or ad hoc collections of individuals. Organizations must have some degree of established form and ongoing public purpose. Principals may require some tangible proof of organizational status, such as evidence of incorporation or other organizational creation, evidence of tax-exempt status, or evidence of an established office.
The superintendent shall develop for implementation not later than August 1 of each school year, beginning with the 2006-2007 school year, written regulations for campus visits by educational and employment recruiters. These regulations shall include:
• A requirement that the regulations regarding recruiting on campus be posted throughout the school year in the school office, the guidance office, and on the school’s website.
• A provision for recruiters to receive written permission from the principal or principal’s designee to be on campus. Such permission may be granted for the full year.
• A requirement that all recruiters sign in and out of the school office at every visit.
• A requirement that information left by recruiters be dated, and clearly identify a name and a number that students, staff, or others may call if they have questions about the information.
• A designated location where recruiters may leave information for students.
• A process for approved recruiters to schedule specific times to be on campus.
• A requirement that all recruiters clearly identify the organization which they represent.
• A requirement that all military recruiters be in uniform.
• A requirement that recruiting shall not occur in any classroom or during any assembly. For the purposes of this policy, it is not considered to be recruiting if a person is invited to address students in a classroom or during an assembly as part of the instructional curriculum. 
• A requirement that private appointments not be held on campus or during the school day.
Adopted: July 3, 2006