The Wilkes County Board of Education recognizes the valuable contributions which school volunteers can make to the learning process and educational goals of the school district. Instructional programs are enhanced through the participation of community members, local business and industry, and family of the students. These volunteers contribute time, resources, and expertise and provide needed support to help ensure educational success for all children.
As used in this policy, “bona fide volunteer” means an individual who:
- Volunteers of his/her own free will;
- Does not receive and does not expect to receive compensation (with no agreement or expectation of payment at a later date); and
- Provides services which would normally be provided by an (unpaid) volunteer.
Volunteering is not employment; therefore, volunteers cannot be used to fill or hold any vacancies.
Volunteering also must not affect or influence any future decisions the employer may make with regard to the volunteer's possible employment in the local education agency.
Schools will notify all parents and school employees of their right to take four hours of paid leave from their jobs every year in order to volunteer in the schools as stated in G.S. 95-28.3.
The Board of Education encourages schools to develop and implement plans for utilizing school volunteers. The superintendent and his or her designees will be responsible for the implementation and supervision of school volunteer programs. School volunteer programs must provide the following:
- reasonable supervision of volunteers based at least in part upon the amount of contact they will have with students; and
- adequate screening and training of volunteers, including familiarizing volunteers with applicable laws, Board of Education policies, administrative procedures, and school rules.
Any volunteer who works in a supervisory role with students in instructional, athletic, extracurricular activities, or field trips shall be required to submit an application and undergo a criminal background check.
Level I Volunteer – assists in the classroom and is never out of the site of the teacher.
Level II Volunteer – assists in the classroom and can supervise groups of children on field trips.
All school volunteers will be expected to be professional and dependable in their volunteer activities.
Legal References: G.S. 115C-36, -47; 115C, art. 13
Cross References: Parental Involvement (policy 1310/4002), Participation in Research Projects (policy 5015)
Adopted: January 9, 2006
Revised: August 1, 2011