School Year: 2024-2025
School: North Wilkesboro Elementary School
Date Submitted: August 20, 2024
The provided plan is specific to North Wilkesboro Elementary and its fulfillment of the required WCS Policy 1310/4002. At North Wilkesboro Elementary, one of our primary focuses is to involve stakeholders. We will provide opportunities to communicate effectively, build positive relationships as well as provide information to promote the academic achievement of students. We acknowledge the invaluable partnerships that must be formulated to ensure we are meeting the needs of all students. This document outlines our efforts to actively engage parents and families at North Wilkesboro Elementary.
Describe your plan to involve parents in the development of this policy and how you intend to document their participation and feedback.
The Title I Parental Involvement Policy Plan came into existence with the involvement and input of stakeholders. We will actively engage parents throughout the school year. This includes offering an Open House event to initiate positive relationships between home and school. Parents will receive information regarding academic standards, two-way communication methods, ways to support student learning, building expectations, and school safety. During this time, parents will develop an understanding of our Title I status, WSC Policy 1310/4002, and our Parent and Family Engagement Plan. Throughout the school year, North Wilkesboro Elementary will actively engage parents in events. These events will be geared towards building stronger parent/school relationships and supporting the academic success of students. Parent participation within our school team aids in our ability to ensure we are including key stakeholders. In addition, we will collect parent feedback to ensure we are promoting effective engagement. Information will be presented in a language and format understandable to the parent. The parent liaison and interpreter will be available to support students and families. Meetings will be documented with agendas and check-in sheets.
Describe your plan to develop your school compact and gain meaningful collaboration with families.
The School/Parent Compact is a communication tool to support achievement for parents, students, and school staff. The Compact is an agreement on how each person (and the student) will effectively collaborate to promote student success. The agreement will be presented and signed by all parties to ensure clear communication. Additional conversations regarding academic achievement will be addressed during parent/ teacher conferences. North Wilkesboro Elementary will utilize PTO and The Parent Advisory Board to garner feedback for revisions to the School/Parent Compact and the Parent/Student Handbook.
At North Wilkesboro, we encourage and promote the participation of parents and the educational success of their student(s).
Describe how your school will provide programs to assist parents in building capacity to be involved in their child's education.
At North Wilkesboro Elementary School we encourage parents and families to be active participants in their child’s education. We promote students' performances in collaboration with our PTO. We will have multiple events throughout the school year to build relationships and engage parents. Parents will be provided opportunities to gain information regarding the curriculum at each grade level and how to support student learning at home. An interpreter will ensure parents' communications are translated. Our parent liaison actively promotes and encourages parent participation to promote interactions between families and schools. North Wilkesboro will utilize our school website, social media, and School Messenger to promote these events and encourage participation.
Describe how you plan to make all of these programs accessible to all of the parents at your school.
At North Wilkesboro, we communicate with parents in multiple ways throughout the school year. This includes Remind, School Messenger, social media, school website, and written invitations. Parents are provided pertinent information during Open House. All teachers provide contact information to promote communication between school and home. Parents receive communication regarding upcoming events at the school and documents are translated to ensure accessibility for all parents. Our Parent Liaison and Interpreter serve as additional supports to engage parents at North Wilkesboro Elementary.
Documents will be sent home with students for parents to review. A handbook will be provided to each family detailing pertinent information. Parents are encouraged to review the information and contact the school if needed. Staff members will assist in the distribution and collection of Title I documentation. The Title I Representative will ensure required documents are maintained at the school level.
Describe how your Title I Parent and Family Engagement funds will be used to support these efforts.
North Wilkesboro Elementary utilizes Title I funds to engage students and families in meaningful activities that promote family engagement and student learning. This included family communication folders, activities, curriculum nights, instructional materials, and purchasing software and supplies. In addition, Title I funds are utilized to provide a parent liaison, teacher assistants, reflections/sel coordinator, and tutors.
This document was jointly developed with input from our School Improvement Team and shared with our Parent Advisory Council. For a copy of any of the documentation mentioned in this plan, please contact Dr. LaShaunda Plain-Mamon at 336-651-4230.