School Year: 2024-2025
School: C.C. Wright Elementary School
Date Submitted: August 19, 2024
Describe your plan to involve parents in the development of this policy and how you intend to document their participation and feedback.
At the beginning of the school year, Delaina Jones, Principal, sends home a copy of the Parent and Family Engagement Plan with all students. Mrs. Jones, Ashley Boykin, Assistant Principal, and classroom teachers meet with parents during Open House and Parent Night events, that are held every quarter, to share information about Title I and how it assists students at our school, including the Rights of Title I parents.
Information is shared with parents through Spanish and English paper copies at Open House. Information is also shared with families through the Student/Parent Handbook, Roaring Tigers Facebook page, Remind, and the school website in both English and Spanish. Meetings include an agenda, sign-in sheet, minutes, and other appropriate documentation.
Each year we solicit families to be members of our Parent Advisory Council and to be representatives on our School Leadership Team.
Describe your plan to develop your school compact and gain meaningful collaboration with families.
Our School-Parent Compact is a tool to communicate the importance of the family, student, and teacher in the academic growth and high achievement of each student. The School-Parent Compact is shared with families at Open House for their review and signatures committing to supporting academic growth and high achievement. The School-Parent Compact is provided in English and Spanish for our families. Suggestions for revisions are welcomed.
Describe how your school will provide programs to assist parents in building capacity to be involved in their child's education.
During each quarter of the school year, we hold Block Parent Night events. During these events, we offer a selection of sessions for families and students. Title I information is available at every Parent Night event. Many sessions are offered throughout the school year including: Reading, Math and Science support, the Importance of Attendance, Parent-Teacher Conferences, Student- Led Conferences, Technology, Participatory P.E., Art Exhibits, Standards-Based Grading, Grade-Level Standards Mastery, Google Classroom, PBIS, SEL, and Third Grade Read to Achieve. All of our sessions are connected to grade-level standards and provide families the opportunity to engage with their student in learning activities. We encourage families to ask questions during the sessions. We also invite community agencies to participate and provide information to families. Information regarding these opportunities is sent to families by School Messenger, Remind, the school website, and the school sign. Sign-in sheets and agendas are utilized.
Describe how you plan to make all of these programs accessible to all of the parents at your school.
It is important to us that our families are able to attend events where information is provided to help their students grow academically. We make every effort to offer events in floating blocks of time and if necessary, we schedule individual meetings for families. We communicate events well in advance for family planning purposes. We offer information in both English and Spanish and provide an interpreter at all events.
Describe how your Title I Parent and Family Engagement funds will be used to support these efforts.
We utilize our Title I Parent and Family Engagement funds for safety, communication, and parent engagement. Ident-A-Kid is used to monitor and document visitor sign-in, student late check-in, and early check-outs. Colored copy paper designated for each grade level, special area, and/or office staff is used for sending home important information to families in a communication folder. Student handbooks are provided for every family. Large school calendars are printed and posted at the front entrance of the school for parent reference. Our conference rooms are equipped with large screen monitors and other technology resources to accommodate the needs of teachers and parents during meetings.
This document was jointly developed with our Parent Advisory Council. Every meeting with our parents is documented with an agenda, sign-in sheet, and minutes of the meeting. For a copy of any of the documentation mentioned in this plan, please contact Delaina Jones and/or Ashley Boykin at (336) 838-5513.