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Title I - School Plans » Millers Creek Elementary School's PFE Plan

Millers Creek Elementary School's PFE Plan

Title 1 School Parent and Family Engagement Plan

School Year: 2024-2025

School: Millers Creek Elementary School

Date Submitted: August 24, 2024

Policy Involvement

Describe your plan to involve parents in the development of this policy and how you intend to document their participation and feedback.

At the start of the school year 2024-2025, MCES will conduct a meeting with its Parent Advisory team and with PTO Officers and parent representatives. During the meetings, the Principal discusses the opening of school, current events, Title I documentation, such as Parents Right to Know, and PTO fundraisers (when applicable). Team members are asked to give feedback as well as to discuss with other MCES school parents. The Principal provides a meeting agenda and sign-in sheet. These are kept for Title I documentation as well as information on team and parent feedback.

In addition, MCES has parent representatives who attend Title I meetings at the district level. These parent representatives serve as a liaison between parents/family and the district.

MCES has incorporated a Parent Representative for the MTSS Team (Multi-tiered System of Support) and CBE Team (Core Behavior Essentials). All of MCES team meetings have an agenda and team/parent sign-in documentation. The parent/advisory/PTO team meets monthly. The MTSS and CBE teams meet monthly.

Shared Responsibility for High Student Academic Achievement

Describe your plan to develop your school compact and gain meaningful collaboration with families.

The School Compact along with the Parent/Student Handbook, The Parent Family Engagement Plan, and other essential documentation is discussed and reviewed during the first Parent Advisory Team meeting. The final draft is included in the parent/student handbook. Parent/Student Signature and Agreement Pages along with student expectations and a Calendar of school events are located in the Parent/Student Handbook.

In response to effective High Student Academic Achievement, MCES holds conferences with parents/students/teachers throughout the school year. MCES provides Open House Night. These meetings will be posted on the school's website for parents and families to view. MCES provides New Enrollee Orientation to students and their families upon enrolling at MCES. A tour of the school, meeting teachers, and signing of essential paperwork is completed at this time.

Building Capacity for Involvement

Describe how your school will provide programs to assist parents in building capacity to be involved in their child's education.

MCES plans to have monthly activities for parents to build capacity to be involved in their child's education. For a portion of the months, this will be activities parents come to the school to practice with their child before taking the activity/game home to use later. Other months the activities will be for parents to participate in an activity with their child at home.

MCES is planning four on-campus parent events one each quarter. MCES will invite parents and families to campus for a time of learning and fun together.

MCES plans to conduct parent/student/teacher conferences throughout the school year. Teachers will work with each individual family at convenient times. (After school in-person meetings and/or virtual meetings).


Describe how you plan to make all of these programs accessible to all of the parents at your school.

All of our documentation will be distributed via students to parents. A handbook will be provided to every student/family.

MCES has an Interpreter who attends school meetings and makes phone calls. The Interpreter is also accessible throughout the school day.

MCES communicates via social media – Facebook. MCES also uses a Parent Communication System to communicate with families. Each teacher has an account and all parents are encouraged to connect with their child's classroom teacher. MCES also communicates with parents on a weekly basis through a parent phone call and parent email.


Describe how your Title I Parent and Family Engagement funds will be used to support these efforts.

MCES uses Title I funding to pay for every student to have their own copy of the Parent/Student Handbook. MCES also uses its Title I funds to communicate and distribute information to parents in need. MCES Title I funding is also used to enrich and enhance students' learning by purchasing equipment to be used school-wide. MCES also uses Title I funds to purchase the Ident-a-Kid for parents and families.

This document was jointly developed with our Parent Advisory. Every meeting with our parents is documented with an agenda, sign-in sheet, and minutes of the meeting. For a copy of any of the documentation mentioned in this plan, please contact Nikki Patrick at 336-903-6000.