School Year: 2024-2025
School: Mountain View Elementary School
Date Submitted: August 1, 2024
Describe your plan to involve parents in the development of this policy and how you intend to document their participation and feedback.
Mountain View Elementary School's Parent and Family Engagement Plan will be presented at our Open House night event on August 22nd, 2024. Parents are invited to complete a yearly parental involvement survey, attend quarterly District Parental Advisory Counsel meetings at Central Services, and attend quarterly Parent Advisory meetings at the school. Parents are also encouraged to help with PTO events which may include serving on PTO, fundraising, and school-wide events. Parent Involvement is documented by signatures on an attendance sheet. Agendas and notes are provided in the school Title I documentation.
Describe your plan to develop your school compact and gain meaningful collaboration with families.
The parent compact will be presented at our Open House event on August 24th, 2023. Parents, students, teachers, and administrators are asked to review the compact and sign stating that they agree to follow the stated expectations. Parents are invited to conferences with their child's teacher quarterly. Teachers are available to answer or address any academic concerns. Parent nights are planned to provide opportunities for parents to learn new ways to support their child's learning.
Describe how your school will provide programs to assist parents in building capacity to be involved in their child's education.
Mountain View Elementary School provides parent nights so that parents can learn new skills to assist their children at home. Our Spanish Interpreter translates all publications, agendas, and documents so that Spanish-speaking families can have access to school information. She is also available to translate videos. She facilitates communication between the school and Spanish-speaking families during conferences and IEP meetings. The school also sends a monthly newsletter that includes strategies to help students. Parents are encouraged to participate in school activities.
Describe how you plan to make all of these programs accessible to all of the parents at your school.
Our Spanish Interpreter translates all publications, agendas, and documents so that Spanish-speaking families have access to school information. She is also available to translate videos. She facilitates communication between the school and Spanish-speaking families during conferences and IEP meetings.
Describe how your Title I Parent and Family Engagement funds will be used to support these efforts.
School parent/student handbooks are bought and given to each family to inform them of dates of events such as parent nights. The handbooks have information on the Parent Family Engagement Policy, Title I Parent Compact, as well as other procedures and information parents need to stay informed and involved in the school community. Remind is used to facilitate ongoing communication between the school and student's families. Supplies are also purchased for take-home bags on our parent nights and for incoming kindergarten students' families to prepare them for beginning school in the fall.
This document was jointly developed with our Parent Advisory Council. Every meeting with our parents is documented with an agenda, sign-in sheet, and minutes of the meeting. For a copy of any of the documentation mentioned in this plan, please contact Katie Reeves at 336-696-5512.