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Title I - School Plans » Mt. Pleasant Elementary School's PFE Plan

Mt. Pleasant Elementary School's PFE Plan

Title 1 School Parent and Family Engagement Plan

School Year:  2023-2024

School:  Mt. Pleasant Elementary School

Date Submitted: September 22, 2023


Policy Involvement

Describe your plan to involve parents in the development of this policy and how you intend to document their participation and feedback.
We have parent representation on our SLT meeting where we discuss ideas and Mrs. Byers discussed with PTO members. Parents will be polled at our PTO advisory committee meetings as well. Parents will complete a survey this year about our events and school as a whole. 
  • Student handbook and open house meetings included in Title 1 documentation.
  • Open House small group meetings will include expectations and academic standards.
  • 3rd grade will host a RTA parent night in September.
  • PTO meetings and family engagement nights discuss Title I School Status.
  • Teachers will conference with families after 1st quarter and during 3rd quarter about academic progress. 
Discuss how:
  • Parents have a calendar/student handbook that was given out during open house meetings.
  • Parents get dojo classroom school wide, classroom wide, and individual messages.
  • Parents receive a weekly school messenger call and SMORE that includes dates and important information.
  • PTO advisory will be asked about how the school is doing and suggestions they have.
  • Meetings are offered after school and during evening hours for families to meet.
  • Each meeting is documented with agenda, sign-in sheet, and notes.


Shared Responsibility for High Student Academic Achievement

Describe your plan to develop your school compact and gain meaningful collaboration with families.
The School-Parent Compact is a communication tool to support achievement for parents, school staff and students. The Compact is an agreement on how each person (and the student) will support each other in ensuring that the student is successful.
  • School Compact is reviewed at the beginning of year open house meetings and families sign and send back to the school in the first week.
  • Review over expectations with parents on SMORE and school messenger messages as needed. Dojo messages can be sent as well to review expectations.


Building Capacity for Involvement

Describe how your school will provide programs to assist parents in building capacity to be involved in their child’s education.
  • During our PTO meetings this year they will be paired with parent nights on STEAM, safety, and reading.
  • During the 3rd grade Read to Achieve parent night, teachers will help parents understand the RTA law and good cause exemptions. This is the first year for end of grade testing for these students so we want them to be prepared.
  • Parents are notified by school messenger calls, parent SMORE website, and classroom Dojo. Some events are printed out and sent home with the students.



Describe how you plan to make all of these programs accessible to all of the parents at your school.
  • Times are discussed with parents and parent advisory so parents can have an opportunity to come. 
  • Scheduling is flexible especially conference times, teachers were very flexible for the open house meetings, and some were 1 on 1.
  • Communication about events is advertised in multiple ways and places.
  • If Spanish copies are needed, we have a person at the central services that can help.



Describe how your Title I Parent and Family Engagement funds will be used to support these efforts.
Title 1 parenting money is used for printing the student/parent handbooks that also have a calendar of dates such as holidays and staff workdays. Parents can write in any dates added throughout the year. Family car tags are also purchased so that every family has a car tag to identify which student they are allowed to pick up. This year parent engagement funds will be used for a One School One Book family project where families read with their student each night. We will also host a STEAM, safety, and reading night for families. Staff members will help families with academic content and what they can do at home to help their child. During RTA 3rd grade students that participate will receive a book as well.
This document was jointly developed with our Parent representative and School leadership team. Every meeting with our parents is documented with an agenda, sign in sheet and minutes of the meeting. For a copy of any of the documentation mentioned in this plan, please contact Mrs. Andrea Byers and/or Amy Craft, PTO president at 336-651-7600.
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