Summary of Board Minutes December 1, 2014
The Board of Education of the Wilkes County Administrative Unit met in a regular meeting at 5:30 p. m. on Monday, December 1, 2014 at West Wilkes Middle School in the Media Center located at 1677 N. NC Hwy. 16, Wilkesboro, North Carolina 28697.
Present for the meeting were Chairman Randall “Rudy” Holbrook, Vice Chairman Mrs. Sharron Huffman, Board Members Mr. Rick Lankford, and Mr. Hardin C. Kennedy, III. Board Member Mr. Darren Shumate was absent due to illness. Also present were Superintendent Dr. Marty T. Hemric, Associate Superintendent Ms. Anna Lankford, Assistant Superintendent Mr. Mark Byrd, Director of Business Services & Chief School Finance Officer Mr. Seth Prevette, Executive Director of Human Resources Dr. Westley Wood, Director of Athletics and Healthful Living Mr. Chris Skabo, Director of Title I Dr. Joe Bullis, and Executive Administrative Assistant Carolyn Triplett.
On a motion by Mr. Lankford, seconded by Mr. Kennedy and duly carried, the agenda was approved as presented.
Chairman Mr. Holbrook recognized Dr. Hemric for the devotional thought and pledge of allegiance. A special accounment was made for Communities in Schools for the upcoming special showing of It’s a Wonderful Life at the Liberty Theatre. Donations of items collected will help support Communities in Schools this holiday season.
Assistant Superintendent Mr. Mark Byrd recognized Ms. Regina Watts for being named Teacher of Excellence at the North Carolina Exceptional Children’s Conference in Greensboro, North Carolina. Ms. Watts is a teacher at West Wilkes Middle School.
Assistant Superintendent Mr. Mark Byrd recognized Wilkes County Schools which were recognized at the PBIS State Recognition Celebration in Greensboro, North Carolina. Thirteen Wilkes County Schools were recognized for their implementation of Positive Behavior Interventions and Support with their schools.
Eight received the distinction to be named Green Ribbon Schools. These schools are:
Central Wilkes Middle School
Millers Creek Elementary School
Mount Pleasant Elementary School
Mountain View Elementary School
Mulberry Elementary School
Ronda-Clingman Elementary School
Wilkesboro Elementary School
Two Wilkes County Schools were recognized as Model schools. They are:
Boomer-Ferguson Elementary
North Wilkesboro Elementary
Three Wilkes County Schools were recognized as Exemplar Schools. They are:
Moravian Falls Elementary School
West Wilkes Middle School (Second year of Exemplar Recognition)
Assistant Superintendent Mr. Mark Byrd recognized Ms. Julie Shepherd for her assistance and support of school teams in attaining the level of success and recognition they recently received for PBIS implementation.
Focus on the Curriculum was presented by Mr. Chris Skabo, Director of Athletics and Healthful Living regarding FitnessGram. Wilkes County Schools is using FitnessGram this year to evaluate the overall physical fitness of students in grades K-8. FitnessGram is a comprehensive educational, reporting and promotional tool used to assess physical fitness and physical activity levels for children. The assessment includes a variety of health-related physical fitness tests that are used to determine students’ overall physical fitness and suggest areas for improvement when appropriate.
Chairman Mr. Holbrook asked if anyone had signed up for public comments. No one had signed up.
On a motion by Mrs. Huffman, seconded by Mr. Kennedy and duly carried, the minutes were approved as presented.
On a motion by Mrs. Huffman, seconded by Mr. Lankford and duly carried, the following Personnel Report and Blue Sheet was approved.
On a motion by Mrs. Huffman, seconded by Mr. Kennedy and duly carried the Out-of-County/Overnight Field Trip was approved as presented.
School Group Destination Dates
Wilkes Central High School AFJROTC Dayton, OH 04/06/2015 – 04/09/2015
On a motion by Mr. Lankford, seconded by Mr. Kennedy and duly carried the Budget Amendments were approved as presented.
On a motion by Mrs. Huffman, seconded by Mr. Kennedy and duly carried the Child Nutrition Procurement Plan was approved as presented.
Associate Superintendent Ms. Anna Lankford presented for discussion a new Board Policy regarding Epinephrine Auto-Injectors. This policy will be presented for final approval at our next Board of Education Meeting in January.
Director of Title I, Dr. Joe Bullis gave Board Members a presentation of Wilkes County Schools Title III performance and current status on the 2014 Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs).
Chairman Mr. Rudy Holbrook made the following announcements:
December 19, 2014 – Early Dismissal December 22, 2014 – Optional Workday December 23, 2014 – Annual Leave Day December 24-26, 2014 - Christmas Holiday December 29-31, 2014 – Annual Leave Days January 1, 2015 – New Year’s Day Holiday January 2, 2015 – Optional Workday |
Chairman Mr. Holbrook and Board Members wished everyone a “Merry Christmas”! Chairman Mr. Holbrook thanked the staff of West Wilkes Middle School as well as Principal Ms. Pam Huffman for hosting our Board of Education Meeting. Chairman Mr. Holbrook announced the next Board meeting will be January 12, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. in the Arnold and Becky Lakey Boardroom located at 613 Cherry Street, North Wilkesboro, North Carolina.
On a motion by Mrs. Huffman, seconded by Mr. Kennedy and duly carried, there being no further business, the Board adjourned at 6:07 p.m.