PowerSchool Parent Portal is an online resource that gives parents access to their children's homework assignments, grades, and more. All school districts in North Carolina use this resource for their student information system, which gives parents access to:
- Grades and attendance
- Test results
- Grade history
- Attendance history
- Email notifications that can include your child's grades and school announcements
- Teacher comments
- School bulletins
- Calendars
Parents and guardians will set up their own accounts and can link multiple children to their accounts. The accounts are secure, so please don't share your information and passwords with anyone. Parents can get their initial login information by contacting their child's school.
Click the image below to learn how to access and use PowerSchool Parent Portal. This link will open in a new tab.
Parent Portal Frequently Asked Questions
What is PowerSchool?
PowerSchool is the student information system that Wilkes County Schools uses to manage information such as grades, attendance, demographics, and schedules. Since PowerSchool is web-based, the information can easily and safely be shared with parents.
What is the Parent Portal?
The PowerSchool Parent Portal is a feature of the PowerSchool Student Information System that provides parents/guardians with immediate access to grades and attendance information. Once your account has been created and you have attached your child(ren) to your account, you may sign up for email notifications on the Email Notifications page.
When can I access the Parent Portal?
Wilkes County Schools parents and guardians have access to the Parent Portal. Normally, the Parent Portal will be available 24 hours/7 days a week. However, once a month, the student information site that feeds information to the PowerSchool Parent Portal is unavailable because of routine maintenance.
Is this system secure?
Yes, the system requires an individual username and password. In addition, the PowerSchool Parent Portal has SSL encryption. The username and password must be kept confidential by parents.
I do not have a Parent Portal account. How do I get one?
Letters were sent home with your child’s report card with directions on how to set up an account for your child. If you did not receive this information, it must be obtained from the school where your child attends. This information must be obtained in person at your child’s school.
How do I access the Parent Portal?
A username and password are needed to log into the Parent Portal. Log on to the Internet and type https://wilkescountyschools.powerschool.com/public in your Internet address bar. Upon initial access, create a Parent Portal account or enter the username and password you created to log in. The username and password are case-sensitive. If you forget your password or log in, you can retrieve it by clicking on the "Having trouble signing in?" link on the login page.
Do I need to log off the Parent Portal when I am finished?
Please click the "Sign Off" button in the upper right corner of your window, and then just close your browser. This practice ensures no one will be able to access your child's private information.
I have multiple children in the district. Can I access all their accounts under just one username and password?
Yes. The single sign-on will allow all of your children to be seen under one account. Multiple children may be added to one parent account. When you first log in, you'll be able to enter the student ID and password for multiple children. The access ID and password for each child must be obtained from the school that each child attends.
My husband/wife and I are separated/divorced. Can we have individual parent accounts to access our child's information?
Yes, parents create their own account with their own username and password. Letters were sent with report cards to the Parent/Guardian at the student mailing address currently on file in our Student Information System. If you did not receive a letter, the access ID and password for each child must be obtained from the school that each child attends, but children can be linked to separate parent accounts.
Do I need a new username and password each year if my child is returning to the same school?
No, all login information will remain the same as long as your child is an active student within the Wilkes County School System. Only when students change schools will a new Access ID and password be required.
What happens to my access to the Parent Portal when my child transfers schools within the district?
Your child's information will remain attached to your account if he/she transfers within the Wilkes County School System.
What happens to my access to the Parent Portal once my child leaves the district?
Access is automatically disabled if the student transfers out of the district or graduates.
Can other people see my son's/daughter's information?
No. Only parents and guardians are issued access to the Parent Portal. As long as you protect your username and password, others will not be able to see your child's information. If you want to grant access to others (grandparent, aunt/uncle) to view your child's grades via Parent Portal, you will need to provide them with the student's access ID and password that was provided to you by your child's school. It will be the responsibility of each parent/guardian to distribute (or not distribute) this access as they see fit.
Another option within the Parent Portal is to set email notifications for multiple email addresses. These email notifications send recipients requested information such as current grades, detailed reports of assignments and scores as well as attendance. To set up email notifications, see the "Email Notification" section of the Parent Portal User Guide.
Note: When adding multiple email addresses in the Email Notification section of the Parent Portal, make sure they are separated by a comma and no trailing space.
Can I print what I see?
Yes. Use the printer icon at the top right of most pages.
I am not getting emails from PowerSchool Parent Portal. Why?
There could be multiple reasons for this:
- Did you sign up for Email Notifications on the Email Notification page?
Please double-check the email address you entered, because if one character (letter/number/space) is off, you will not receive it.
- Did you check your email's BULK or SPAM folder?
Check to see if the messages are going there and choose to mark them as NOT SPAM. You will need to consult your email's help menu or manual to learn how to do this as it is different for every email program.
My email is not working when I click on the name of a teacher to send them a message. Why is this happening?
If you use a webmail program like Gmail, Yahoo, or Hotmail, your browser cannot log you into your email to send this message. You will need to email the teacher outside of the PowerSchool Parent Portal. If you hover over the name of the teacher you want to email, look in the lower-left corner of your screen and you will see their email address.