Summary of Board Minutes January 12, 2015
The Board of Education of the Wilkes County Administrative Unit met in a regular meeting at 5:30 p. m. on Monday, January 12, 2015 in the Arnold and Becky Lakey Boardroom at 613 Cherry Street, North Wilkesboro, North Carolina 28659.
Present for the meeting were Chairman Randall “Rudy” Holbrook, Vice Chairman Mrs. Sharron Huffman, Board Members Mr. Darren Shumate, Mr. Rick Lankford, and Mr. Hardin C. Kennedy, III. Also present were Superintendent Dr. Marty T. Hemric, Associate Superintendent Ms. Anna Lankford, Assistant Superintendent Mr. Mark Byrd, Director of Business Services & Chief School Finance Officer Mr. Seth Prevette, Director of Human Resources Dr. Westley Wood, and Executive Administrative Assistant Carolyn Triplett.
On a motion by Mrs. Huffman, seconded by Mr. Kennedy and duly carried, the agenda was approved as presented.
Chairman Mr. Holbrook recognized Dr. Hemric for the devotional thought and pledge of allegiance.
Chairman Mr. Rudy Holbrook introduced Mr. Steve Huntley with Huntley, Sigmon, and Associates CPS’s. PLLC. Mr. Huntley presented the annual Financial Report for the year ending June, 30, 2014 to the Board.
Assistant Superintendent Mr. Mark Byrd recognized the winner of the Wilkes County Schools Poetry Out Loud competition which was held in the Stone Center for Performing Arts. Contestants from all five high schools participated. Poetry Out Loud is a national recitation contest created by the National Endowment for the Arts and the Poetry Foundation. Miss Sierra LaPlante, a student at West Wilkes High School was the winner. Miss LaPlante will compete at the state level in March 2015, in Greensboro, North Carolina.
Assistant Superintendent Mr. Mark Byrd recognized the 2014-2015 Wilkes County Schools Science Fair winners. The Science Fair was held in the Stone Center of Performing Arts in November. All first place finalists competed in the Regional Science Fair on December 16, 2014 at Appalachian State University.
Elementary Division:
Caroline Jackson Does Age Affect Memory Wilkesboro Elementary
Landon Patterson Strength of Bridges Boomer-Ferguson Elementary
Haley Ward, “Hot Dogs, Cool Tricks” Ronda-Clingman Elementary
Salem Sparks,
& Taner Estes Mom Says, “Drink Water!” Mt. Pleasant Elementary
What is Wrong with Soda?
Lucas Berrier Mind Your Colors Traphill Elementary
Robert Myers Peppermint Each Day Keeps Ronda-Clingman Elementary
Claudia Welborn The Stink Bugs Away
The Bouba-Kiki Effect Wilkesboro Elementary
Presley Barker “Family Fingerprints” Are Ronda-Clingman Elementary
Fingerprints Inherited
Zane Lovette Does Color Affect Memory Roaring River Elementary
Grace Harrison Does Covering Your Mouth Traphill Elementary
Rally Prevent the Spread
Of Germs
Nathaniel Burchette A Battery That Makes Cents Ronda-Clingman Elementary
Chance Mastin Bounce University Traphill Elementary
Middle School Division-First Place
Samuel Lewczyk, Man vs. Fish-Battle for Oxygen West Wilkes Middle
Evan Hamby, &
Landon Starr
Caroline Huffman HOT Proteins East Wilkes Middle
Lizzie Shew Does Coke Hold Carbonation
Longer Than Diet Coke East Wilkes Middle
Dylan Ward and Food vs. Fuel East Wilkes Middle
Camron Somers
Hannah Gentry Exploding Watermelons East Wilkes Middle
James Burcham Analyzing the Sweet Zone East Wilkes Middle
In BBCor Bat
Second Place
Sydney McManus Colorful Minds Central Wilkes Middle
Brooklyn Mounce and On Pointe East Wilkes Middle
Bailey Johnson
Madison German Got a Headache? Central Wilkes Middle
Daniel Durham Softening Tires East Wilkes Middle
Carrie Lowe Does Surface Affect How High Central Wilkes Middle
A Basketball Will Bounce
Jake Myers The Big Bad Wolf and Erosion East Wilkes Middle
Control Using Straw, Wood and
. Rocks to Protect the Soil
High School Division-First Place
Katheryn McGuire The Relationship Between Personality East Wilkes High
And Intelligence
Michael Godfrey Winter Splash Wilkes Early College
Amber Godfrey and Shake It Up Wilkes Central High
Brooke Bentley
Jacob Perry and It’s Not Rocket Science Wilkes Early College
Ian Byrd
Sergei Miles The Golden Ratio Wilkes Central High
Second Place
Angela Huie Photography vs. Painting/Drawing West Wilkes High
Which Causes the Strongest
Emotional Response
Daniel Parker and Does the PH of the Liquid Used to Wilkes Early College
Chandler Reece Swallow Ibuprofen Affect Its
Levi Vestal and Noise Barrier Wilkes Central High
Kaitlyn Sullivan
Assistant Superintendent Mr. Mark Byrd recognized the Wilkes County Hall of Fame Grant Recipients. Over $8,000.00 in grant monies are awarded to be spent in the area of the arts and athletics in Wilkes County Schools. The awardees are:
Gilda Aita Inkle Loom Weaving CWMS Visual Art Department
Scott Bryan Building a Tradition WWMS Volleyball Team
Anita Wingler NoteKnacks Rhythm Manipulatives Wilkesboro Elementary
Boomer-Ferguson Elementary
Moravian Falls Elementary
Elizabeth Horrell Flint Hill Beanstalk Adventure North Wilkesboro Elementary
Hall of Fame Grant Recipients, (continued)
Robert Weddington Community Arts, Music and Traphill Elementary
Physical Education Gala
Connie Ledford Musical Art Instruments Millers Creek Art Club
Kat Romanish General Supplies Moravian Falls Elementary
Boomer-Ferguson Elementary
Wilkesboro Elementary
Scott Waugh Playing SMARTer WCHS PE Program
Michelle Franklin Building a Bridge to Literacy; Ronda-Clingman Elementary
Children’s Literature Library CB Eller Elementary
Roaring River Elementary
Assistant Superintendent Mr. Mark Byrd recognized the following teachers for their accomplishments in achieving and receiving National Board Certification.
Carol Huffman Millers Creek Elementary School Music
Michelle Roberts, Wilkes Central High School Art
Teresa Watkins, North Wilkes High School Career and Technical Education
Focus on the Curriculum was presented by Principal, Dion Stocks, from the Wilkes Early College High School. Wilkes Early College High School opened its doors to students in August, 2009 with the goal for students to graduate with a high school diploma and an Associate of Arts degree from Wilkes Community College within five years. Wilkes Early College High school has provided students of Wilkes County a unique opportunity and has many success stories.
Chairman Mr. Holbrook asked if anyone had signed up for public comments. No one had signed up.
On a motion by Mr. Lankford, seconded by Mr. Shumate and duly carried, the minutes were approved as presented.
On a motion by Mr. Kennedy, seconded by Mr. Lankford and duly carried, the following Personnel Report and Blue Sheet were approved.
Jody Freeman From Student Success Coordinator – West Wilkes High School
To – Gear Up Coordinator – Central Office
Kelsey Williams From Counselor – Traphill Elementary School
To – Gear Up Coordinator – Central Office
On a motion by Mr. Kennedy, seconded by Mrs. Huffman and duly carried, the Budget Amendments were approved as presented.
On a motion by Mrs. Huffman, seconded by Mr. Kennedy and duly carried, the following Out-of-County/Overnight Field Trips were approved as presented.
School Group Destination Dates
East Wilkes High Beta Club Greensboro, NC 02/06/2015 - 02/07/2015
North Wilkes High Beta Club Greensboro, NC 02/06/2015 - 02/07/2015
Wilkes Central High AFJROTC Hampton, VA 04/06/2015 - 04/11/2015
On a motion by Mr. Kennedy, seconded by Mr. Lankford and duly carried the New Board Policy on Epinephrine Auto-Injectors was approved as presented.
Chairman Mr. Rudy Holbrook made the following announcements:
January 16, 2015 – Second Grading Period Ends January 19, 2015 – Martin Luther King Holiday January 20, 2015 – Optional Workday January 21, 2015 – Required Workday January 22, 2015 – Third Grading Period Begins
Chairman Mr. Rudy Holbrook announced the next Board meeting will be February 2, 2015 5:30 p.m. at North Wilkes Middle School/Media Center 2776 Yellow Banks Road, North Wilkesboro, North Carolina.
On a motion by Mrs. Huffman, seconded by Mr. Shumate and duly carried, there being no further business, the Board adjourned at 6:34 p.m.