Central Wilkes Middle School Science Olympiad (S.O.A.R.) team was victorious at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem on Saturday March 2nd! The team led by Science teacher Mr. Weaver and Technology teacher Mrs. Colglazier topped all other middle schools in the region in head to head competition. A total of fourteen medals were won by individual students as well as the trophy for best overall school. Seventeen students participated from Central Wilkes Middle School. The S.O.A.R. team had been meeting after school to prepare for the competition this year. Some of the areas of competition included: Elastics Launched Gliders (1st), Battery Buggy (2nd), Duck Tape Challenge (4th), Roller Coasters, Potions and Poisons (2nd), Anatomy, Disease Detectives (5th), Fossils (1st), Heredity (5th), Herpetology, Meteorology (2nd), Solar System, Dynamic Planet (4th), Thermodynamics (5th), Water Quality (4th), Circuits, Amazing Mechatronics (4th), Ping Pong Parachute (2nd), and Road Scholar (2nd).
Other schools in the regional competition included North Wilkes Middle School who came in eighth place, West Wilkes came in eleventh place, and East Wilkes came in seventeenth place. Central Wilkes Middle School will be attended the State Competition in Raleigh on Saturday April 26th and 27th.
Students Learn Responsibilities of Adult Life through "Reality of Money"
On March 1st, Wilkes County Schools’ CTE Department and GEAR UP partnered with State Employees Credit Union and Wilkes Community College to host “The Reality of Money” event! This event is a simulation developed to prepare high school students for the responsibilities of adult life. High school students visited booths to pay for housing, transportation, utilities, entertainment, food, clothing, and other every day expenses in an attempt to balance their budget!
On Saturday, March 23rd, Presley B. had the opportunity to attend the Lost Weekend Film Festival in Winchester, Virginia where he got to meet Emilio Estevez in person. Our 8th graders just finished reading The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton and watched the movie, which stars Estevez as Two-Bit Matthews. He told Presley that he made the movie when he was 20 years old, and it was a blast to make. Presley said Emilio was "very kind and gracious to me and my family," and that he learned Emilio was a very humble and nice person.
EWMS Students Compete in County Soil & Water Contests
EWMS students participated in the Wilkes County Soil and Water Essay, Slide Show and Speech contests. These students competed against other schools in the county to determine the students that will represent Wilkes County in the regional competition for their contest type. All of these students placed in the top four in the county with Seth L., John R., and Presley B. taking first in their category.
The Lowe’s Charitable and Educational Foundation awarded a $5,000 Lowe’s Toolbox for Education® grant to East Wilkes Middle School for the creation of Scorpion Square, an outdoor recreation area at East Wilkes Middle School. East Wilkes Middle School is one of 608 schools across the United States to be awarded a Lowe’s Toolbox for Education grant during its fall 2017 grants cycle for improvement projects.
East Wilkes Middle School’s Scorpion Square is complete with picnic tables and areas for games, including volleyball, basketball, and cornhole. They held their community ribbon cutting ceremony on Friday, March 1st. The area will provide a place for students to exercise and socialize during their allotted free time, as well as serve as an outdoor classroom and gathering place. The community that this project serves is primarily the students, teachers, and staff of EWMS. The project was completed in November of 2018.
“Not only has Scorpion Square given our students and teachers an outdoor recreation area but also an outdoor learning space. I see Scorpion Square getting lots of use in the coming days, months, and years,” said Principal Sandra Burchette.
Since its inception in 2005, Lowe’s Toolbox for Education has provided more than $60 million in grants to more than 13,000 schools, benefiting more than 6 million schoolchildren. Grants are available to K-12 public schools in the United States for a wide range of improvement projects. Schools may be eligible to receive Toolbox grants up to $100,000. Parent groups and educators can apply by visiting ToolboxForEducation.com.
Wilkes County Elementary Battle of the Books Winners
Congratulations to Wilkes County's Elementary Battle of the Books Winners! In a very close competition, a tie breaker determined Ronda-Clingman Elementary as winners of the Elementary Battle of the Books, and Roaring River Elementary as runner-up! Students who competed read 15 books over the course of this year, attended weekly practices, and competed against 12 other elementary schools in the competition!
On March 8th and 9th West Wilkes Middle School Drama held a play production of "The Jungle Book." Students performed for over 1000 people in two days with great success!
WWMS Science Olympiad went to compete on March 2nd! One group came in 1st with a roller coaster that will go to compete at NCSU for the state competition. They also had 3 third place winners and 2nd and 4th places.
On March 29th, North Wilkes Middle School held their Community LEAD Day! Students lead community members around the school, taught them about the “7 habits,” and showed them how the LEAD program is impacting the school and community!
The "Leader in Me" program helps students set academic and personal goals for themselves such as leadership skills, accountability, self-esteem, time management, and conflict resolution.