This month's newsletter features:
(jump to the following in-page links)
Welcome Back Students!
Wilkes County Schools is back in session! Wilkes Early College High School kicked off the school year starting on Monday, August 13th. Schools on the traditional calendar started fall semester on Monday, August 27th.
First Registered Apprentices
On Tuesday, August 28th, three Wilkes County high school seniors became the first ever registered apprentices for a new program between Wilkes County Schools, Wilkes Community College, and local businesses. Hannah Billings and Tate Foster, both seniors at North Wilkes High School, and Kaitlyn Bell, senior at West Wilkes High School, signed their contracts to complete apprenticeships at Tuesday's signing ceremony. Hannah Billings and Kaitlyn Bell will both be working as apprentices at Infusion Points, and Tate Foster will be working as an apprentice at Gardner Glass Products. Congratulations to these three students!
Lowe's Companies, Inc. Employees Donate School Supplies
A school supply drive, led by Julie Page of Lowe's Companies Inc., provided Wilkes County Schools an abundance of school supplies! Lowe's employees donated items such as tissues, pencils, crayons, markers, notebooks, glue sticks, cleaning wipes, and even book bags! Staff from each school were invited to come pick up supplies on Thursday, August 23rd. Thank you, Lowe's Companies!
First United Methodist Church of North Wilkesboro and Colvard Fund Continue to Support Students in Need
On August 15th, First United Methodist Church of North Wilkesboro Minister, Dr. Tim Roberts, and Chairman of the Colvard Fund Committee, Dennis Huggins, met with Wilkes County School social workers to personally thank them for all they do. First United Methodist Church of North Wilkesboro continues to be a large supporter of Wilkes County School students in need. For the last two decades, with the help of the Thomas R. Colvard Family Memorial Fund, the church has been able to provide items such as shoes, clothes, eye glasses, and more to students in need. Wilkes County School social workers are responsible for ensuring as many students in need are provided the items necessary to attend school and succeed in the classroom. They are able to purchase up to $50 (merchandise and sales tax) for an elementary student and up to $100 (merchandise and sales tax) for a middle and high school student. Students are eligible for this once a year.
Staff Review Safety Procedures in Preparation of New School Year
The week before the first day of school is a busy one for many staff members of Wilkes County Schools. The transportation department held a breakfast and information session for all bus drivers on August 22nd. The child nutrition department welcomed staff back on August 24th to introduce new menu service and review policies and procedures.
WECHS Chose as Finalist in Orkin Contest
Congratulations to Mrs. Kelly Pipes and students at Wilkes Early College High School! The Orkin "Start with Science Insect Innovation Contest" chose Wilkes Early College High School's beekeeping project as a top 10 finalist out of 1,500 projects! The prize was $5,000 in DonorsChoose funds! Mrs. Pipes’s students requested three honey bee nucleus hives as they work to become certified beekeepers. Each student will work with the bees for their own unique interests, whether that’s pest management or candle-making. Ultimately, the students aim to bring their hives home and provide education for their community.
MFES Receives Matching Lowe's Grant
Moravian Falls Elementary School received a matching grant in the amount of $50,000 from Lowe's Hardware for a new playground! The playground is a non-traditional playground designed and built by Beanstalk Builders of Morganton. Custom built slides are in the process of being incorporated as well. In addition to this grant from Lowe's Hardware, Moravian Falls Elementary raised $58,000 from other grant sources to complete this project.
What's Happening Next Month?
September 3rd - Labor Day Holiday
September 10th - Board of Education Meeting