Summary of Board Minutes January 5, 2017
The Board of Education of the Wilkes County Administrative Unit met in a regular meeting at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, January 5, 2017 in the Arnold and Becky Lakey Boardroom at 613 Cherry Street, North Wilkesboro, North Carolina 28659.
Present for meeting were Chairman Mr. Randall “Rudy” Holbrook, Vice-Chairman Mrs. Sharron Huffman, Board Members Mr. Darren Shumate, Mr. Kirk Walker and Mrs. Leslie Barnes. Also present were Superintendent Mr. D. Mark Byrd, Associate Superintendent Ms. Anna Lankford, Executive Director of Personnel Dr. Westley Wood, Chief Technology Officer Ms. Julie Triplett, Director of Development Mr. Dennis Huggins, Director of Transportation Mr. Eric Barker, Director of Pre-K & Elementary Education Dr. Susan Blackburn, Director of Exceptional Children’s Department Ms. Tracee McManus, Director of Maintenance Mr. Bergie Speaks, Director of Foreign Language Dr. Joe Bullis, Director of CTE Mr. Wayne Shepherd, Director of Athletics Mr. Chris Skabo, Director of Student Services Ms. April Marr, Chief Finance Officer Mr. Seth Prevette, AIG Coordinator Ms. Angie Lamb, School Board Attorney Mr. Fred Johnson, and Executive Administrative Assistant Ms. Carolyn Triplett.
Prior to calling the meeting to order, Chairman Mr. Rudy Holbrook recognized Board Member Mr. Kirk Walker to lead the Invocation.
Chairman Mr. Rudy Holbrook recognized special guest Mr. Jeffrey Elmore, our North Carolina House of Representative. It was good to have our School Board Attorney in attendance. Mr. Johnson had been out due to back surgery. It’s great to have them both with us tonight.
On a motion by Mrs. Huffman, seconded by Mr. Shumate and duly carried, the agenda was approved as presented.
Chairman Mr. Randall “Rudy” Holbrook recognized Superintendent Mr. Mark Byrd for the Devotion and Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. Mark Byrd announced that January was School Board Appreciation Month. He asked that we join him in celebrating School Board Appreciation Month by thanking our board members for all that they do, and most importantly, thanking them for all that they do for the students of Wilkes County Schools on a daily basis.
Superintendent Mr. Mark Byrd along with Executive Director of Personnel Dr. Westley Wood recognized Miss Jadie Roten, a senior at Wilkes Early College High School. Miss Roten finished first place in the Poetry Out Loud competition held December 1, 2016 in the Stone Family Center for Performing Arts. Jadie will represent Wilkes County Schools at the state competition in March. Congratulations and good luck to Miss Jadie Roten.
Superintendent Mr. Mark Byrd along with Executive Director of Personnel Dr. Westley Wood recognized the Exceptional Children’s Educator of Excellence. On November 9, 2016, Ms. Teresa Stone was named the Exceptional Children’s Educator of Excellence in Greensboro. Ms. Stone is a self-contained EC teacher at Mtn. View Elementary School.
Ms. Stone exhibits the characteristics of excellence in all that she does on a daily basis. Mrs. Stone is always willing to provide assistance to her colleagues in need. She does all of this and more with amazing merit and always strives to maintain the needs as well as the dignity of students as her first and foremost priority. Congratulations to Mrs. Teresa Stone.
Superintendent Mr. Mark Byrd along with Executive Director Personnel Dr. Westley Wood recognized the Photo Voice Project. This fall students in our middle and high schools were invited to participate in a Photo Voice Project, an initiative led by the Substance Use Prevention Teams of Project Lazarus. This youth-led project was completed in an effort to “start the conversation” with adults in the community about the dangers of underage drinking. The focal point of the project was photo voice presentations by the youth. Students took pictures representing the impact of underage drinking on youth. On November 29th, the students held a “town hall meeting” at the Wilkes Art Gallery, where they expressed their concern about the dangers and consequences of underage drinking to those in attendance. There are two additional town hall events planned, with the next one focusing on tobacco use to occur in March of 2017.
The following students who participated and shared photos are:
Chaselyn Ellis, West Wilkes High School
Ethan Call, West Wilkes High School
Katie Brinegar, North Wilkes High School
BreAnna Dancy, North Wilkes High School
Chasity Crane, North Wilkes High School
Haleigh Bauguess, North Wilkes High School
Andrew Brown, North Wilkes High School
Katie Hubbard, Wilkes Central High School
Phillip Lambert, Wilkes Central High School
Abby Anderson, East Wilkes Middle School
Chairman Mr. Holbrook asked if anyone had signed up for public comments. No one had signed up.
On a motion by Mrs. Huffman, seconded by Mr. Shumate and duly carried, the minutes for December 5, 2016 was approved as presented.
On a motion by Mr. Walker, seconded by Mrs. Huffman and duly carried, the personnel report and blue sheet were approved as presented.
On a motion by Ms. Barnes, seconded by Mr. Walker and duly carried, the Exceptional Children’s Contract with Lingo Therapy, PLLC was approved as presented.
On a motion by Mrs. Huffman, seconded by Mr. Shumate and duly carried, the Out of County/Overnight Field Trips were approved as presented. They are as follows:
School Group Destination Dates
East Wilkes High School Students Spain, Europe 6/18/2018-6/27/2018
West Wilkes High School Chorus Mars Hill, NC 2/03/2017-2/04/2017
On a motion by Mr. Shumate, seconded by Mrs. Huffman and duly carried,
the Budget Amendments were approved as presented.
State Public School Fund – Increase - $239,049.00
Local Current Expense Fund – N/A
Capital Outlay Fund – Increase - $241,194.00
Current Expense Special Use Fund Budget – Increase - $201,454.00
On a motion by Mrs. Huffman, seconded by Mr. Shumate and duly carried, the
2017-2018 School Calendar was approved as presented. For the fourth consecutive
Year, this will be a 164 day student calendar. Due to calendar legislation, the 2017-2018
School year can start no earlier than Monday, August 28th.
On a motion by Mr. Shumate and seconded by Mr. Walker and duly carried, the Window World Donation Agreement was approved as presented. This will provide $100,000.00 to each of the four high schools over a period of 5 years to be used for a facility need at each school. Window World, Inc. would also be granted naming rights to these facilities.
Chairman Mr. Holbrook had the following announcements:
January 16, 2017 - Martin Luther King Holiday
January 20, 2017 – Second Grading Period Ends
January 23, 2017 – Optional Workday
January 24, 2017 – Required Workday
January 25, 2017 – Third Grading Period Begins
Chairman Mr. Holbrook announced the next meeting will be February 13, 2017. This meeting will be held in the Arnold and Becky Lakey Boardroom located at 613 Cherry Street, North Wilkesboro, North Carolina. The meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m.
On a motion by Mr. Walker, and seconded by Mr. Shumate the board adjourned to close session to consult with its attorney in order to preserve the attorney-client privilege, pursuant to N.C.G.S. 143-318.11(a)(3)
On a motion by Mr. Shumate, seconded by Mr. Walker and duly carried, the board adjourned from closed session at 6:46 p.m.
On a motion by Mr. Shumate, seconded by Mr. Walker and duly carried, there being no further Business, the board adjourned at 6:47 p.m.