MESH (Mobile Expanded School Health) is a mobile medical unit that comes to the high schools
Monday through Friday. MESH makes it convenient to provide care to the students while at school, therefore, decreasing the amount of time that students are out of the classroom. Students return to class in a timely manner. MESH is staffed by a Family Nurse Practitioner and a Nurse every day. MESH also offers mental health services. MESH coordinates with school nurses to be at the school on opposite days.
What does MESH do for high school students?
MESH provides minor illness/injury assessment and treatment, sports physicals, and certain
immunizations and laboratory tests. There are over-the-counter medications on the MESH Unit
for symptom relief and prescriptions can be written. A counselor is available to talk with students
with mental health concerns. All services on MESH are free except sports physicals, which are $20.00. MESH does bill Medicaid, Health Choice, and some insurance. MESH is for all students, regardless of insurance status.
It is not the intention of MESH to take the place of your private physician. Students are encouraged to see their private physician for regularly scheduled exams.
Please click here for a brief video introduction to the MESH unit.
For a list of services available through the Wilkes County Health Department, please click here. To access the Health Department website, please click here.
MESH Schedule for 2023-2024
Monday 9:00 am - 3:00 pm |
Tuesday 9:00 am - 3:00 pm |
Wednesday 9:00 am - 3:00 pm |
Thursday 9:00 am - 3:00 pm |
Fridays (1st & 3rd) 9:00 am - 12:00 pm |
Wilkes Central High School |
West Wilkes High School |
North Wilkes High School |
East Wilkes High School |
Wilkes Early College High School |
How can a high school student be seen on MESH?
- Parents/guardians need to complete a medical history questionnaire and the MESH consent and return the forms to the school or the MESH unit. For mental health services, this referral form should be used.
- MESH staff must have a signed consent from parents/guardians to see students on the mobile unit.
- The signed consent covers all high school years, but may be revoked by notifying the school or the MESH staff in writing.
- During the school year, a student can complete a MESH request form at the school office and put it in the MESH box to be seen on the MESH Unit.
If you have questions about MESH services, you can call MESH at 336-957-7043 (Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm). If calling after 5:00 pm for a medical or behavioral emergency and the student is a health department patient, call 336-651-7450. If the student is not a health department patient, call the student's medical doctor.
Counseling Service by MESH Unit
The MESH Unit will again be offering counseling services to students at all
middle schools. All services are provided FREE of charge by Jodi Province Counseling Services, PLLC, and will be provided at the school.
Students may be referred by parents/guardians for any of the following concerns:
Anger/aggressive behavior
Disruptive behavior in the classroom
School performance (grades)
Substance Abuse
Other issues
Special Note about MESH Funding
MESH receives United Way funds and you may designate to MESH on your contribution form to