Wilkes County Schools

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Career and Technical Education » CTSO & NTHS


CTSO: Career & Technical Student Organizations

Any student enrolled in a career and technical course is eligible for membership in the career and technical student organization associated with that program.

CTSOs develop character, citizenship, technical, leadership, and teamwork skills essential for students who are preparing for the workforce and post-secondary education. They enhance students' civic awareness and provide opportunities for developing social competencies and a wholesome attitude about living and working.

CTSO’s are an integral part of the Career and Technical Education program. These co-curricular connections provide students leadership, personal growth, and career success through soft-skill development.

Members are provided opportunities to compete with other students in regional, state, and national conferences. Events are aligned with classroom instruction students receive or to workplace readiness skills.
The following student organizations are available in most Wilkes County High Schools this school year. Click the links below to learn more information. All links will open in a new tab.
FBLA Logo FBLA: Future Business Leaders of America (Business Education)
FRC Logo FRC: FIRST Robotics Competition
FFA Logo FFA: Future Farmers of America (Agricultural Education)
FCCLA Logo FCCLA: Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (Family and Consumer Sciences Education)
SkillsUSA logo SkillsUSA: Vocational Industrial Clubs of America (Trade and Industrial Education)
TSA Logo TSA: Technology Student Association (Technology Education)
HOSA Logo HOSA: Health Occupations Students of America- Future Health Professionals  (Health Occupations Education)


NTHS: National Technical Honor Society

Note: WCS membership standards are more rigorous than national standards
The NTHS (National Technical Honor Society) is an organization that recognizes CTE students who are successfully making progress toward becoming CTE "completers".  To be eligible for membership, students must have successfully completed at least 3 courses (one of which must be a * - second level course) within a program of study (see Career Clusters).
Students must have earned a 3.25 unweighted GPA, have demonstrated exemplary character and decision-making abilities, and have good attendance and discipline records.
The NTHS advisors at each high school are:
  • East Wilkes High School: Regina Henderson
  • North Wilkes High School: Tracy Walker
  • West Wilkes High School: Jill Woodie
  • Wilkes Central High School: Matt Hagaman
For more information, please contact your NTHS advisor or visit the National Technical Honor Society website (www.nths.org). Note: This link opens in a new tab.