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Enrollment » New Enrollments for 2024-2025 School Year

New Enrollments for 2024-2025 School Year

1) School assignment is based on your home address. If you aren’t sure which school your child will attend, please contact Wilkes County Schools Transportation Department  at 336-667-1126.
2) Complete your enrollment process using the InfoSnap online enrollment link (located below). If you do not have internet access at your home, you may visit the Wilkes County Public Library to use their computers or you may call the school your child will attend for enrollment assistance.
Links to online enrollment for all NEW students to Wilkes County Schools (grades K-12):
2)  After you have completed the electronic enrollment forms, please call the school your child will attend to schedule a time to bring in your child’s enrollment documents. Those documents include:
  • Photo ID of parent/guardian
  • Certified copy of child’s birth certificate
  • Proof of residence, which must be one of the following:
  • A utility bill with the service address (power, water, etc.)
  • Mortgage statement
  • Rental/lease agreement
  • Buyer’s agreement
  • Homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policy with address
  • Property tax statement
  • A deed to a home or a lease of an apartment with a Wilkes County address and residence in the home or apartment.
  • An automobile registration form with a Wilkes County address.
  • Listing a Wilkes County address with an employer or other document verifying that the employer has transferred employee to Wilkes County from another location or that employer has hired parent as a new employee and parent is relocating to Wilkes County.
  • Documentation of receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) or other public assistance at a Wilkes County address.
  • Please note: If a student’s parent or legal guardian does not have a verifiable residence but is living with a resident of Wilkes County, the parent or custodial adult and the county resident may sign a Wilkes County Schools Statement of Residence Affidavit to satisfy the residency requirement. Any of the items listed above can be used as a proof of residence for the county resident. The school will provide the Statement of Residence Affidavit. This form must be signed by the owner of the residence or lessee of the rental property, the parent, guardian or caretaker of the child, and must be notarized.
  • Proof of guardianship - Can include birth certificate, divorce papers, Social Services paperwork, or paperwork signed by a judge awarding custody. Custody paperwork authorized by a judge or Social Services/foster care placement is required for all children not living with their natural parent. Please note: If a student is living with an adult who is not their parent or legal guardian, there are additional forms that will need to be completed during enrollment. These forms will be provided by the school or can be found at the bottom of this page.
  • Up-to-date immunization records
  • Health Assessment - to be completed by the child's doctor (only required for Kindergarten OR if new to North Carolina)
  • Discipline and Felony Status Affidavit – This form needs to be signed in front of a notary public and is required by NC GS 115C-366(a3) for any child who has previously attended a public school. The school can assist you with this form if you have any questions.
Special Circumstance Forms
The affidavit forms listed below may be needed for special circumstances with enrollment. The school you are enrolling in should be able to assist you if you are not sure if the form is needed for your situation.
  • Institutional Enrollment Affidavit - This form will be used by agencies/organizations that provide housing to children and youth who are not in the custody of their parents. 
  • Parent/Guardian Affidavit - This form is used by a parent/guardian who needs to leave their child or young person in the care of someone else who lives in our county under special circumstances permitted by state law.
  • Residential Adult Affidavit - This form is used by a Wilkes County resident who has a child or youth living with them without their parent/guardian being present under special circumstances permitted by state law.