This month's newsletter features:
(jump to the following in-page links)
Welcome Back!
On Tuesday, August 13th, students at Wilkes Early College High School attended their first day of classes, kicking off the 2019-2020 school year nearly two weeks earlier than their peers at the traditional high schools.
The regular academic calendar began for students on Monday, August 26th. Students were excited to be back as they greeted their teachers with hugs and smiles and were very quick to catch up with friends!
CTE Administrator of the Year Award
Mr. Wayne Shepherd, Director of Career and Technical Education, was selected as the 2019-2020 North Carolina CTE Administrator of the Year for the Northwest Region. Mr. Shepherd will advance to compete for the title of North Carolina CTE Administrator of the Year and the winner will be announced at the CTE Administrator’s Conference next spring!
Wilkes County Schools' District-Parent Advisory Council (D-PAC)
Please consider joining the Wilkes County Schools' District -Parent Advisory Council as we work together to engage our community. The purpose of D-PAC is to address and discuss ways to improve our instructional, social, and emotional services to students and their families. If you are interested, please contact your school's principal, parent liaison, or Dr. Joe Bullis, Director of Federal Programs. Engage, connect and transform with Wilkes County Schools' D-PAC!
Our next meeting will be September 26, 2019 from 8:30 am to 11:30 am at the Wilkes County Schools Central Services building. We will be discussing the 2019-2020 Title I District Goals and reviewing the Parent and Family Engagement Policy.
If this time and date are not practicable for you, but you would still like to give input, please contact Dr. Joe Bullis at [email protected] for additional information.
C.B. Eller Elementary Receives $500 Grant
Wilkes County Retired School Personnel awarded a $500 grant to C.B. Eller Elementary School to purchase books to be used in the media center. The Books in Schools Committee presented the check on June 26th. Members of the Books in Schools Committee are Beth Huie, Pauletta Parker, Dr. Frances Tharpe, Martha Glass, and Judy Parsons.
What's Happening Next Month?
September 2nd - Labor Day Holiday
September 9th - Wilkes County Board of Education Meeting
October 30th - Teacher Workday (No School)