On a motion by Mrs. Huffman, seconded by Mr. Walker and duly carried, the Erate Category 2 Wireless Access Points was approved as presented.
On a motion by Mrs. Huffman, seconded by Mr. Shumate and duly carried, the Erate Category 2 Network Switching Hardware was approved as presented.
On a motion by Mrs. Huffman, seconded by Mr. Shumate and duly carried, the Wilkes County Schools’ Summer School Plan for 2018-2019 was approved as presented. Wilkes County Schools has elected to provide a summer school program, called “WCS Success Academy”, immediately following the last day of school. It will extend the school year for qualifying students by four days.
School | Group | Destination | Dates |
Wilkes Early College High School | Senior BETA Club | Greensboro, NC | 02/07/2019-02/08/2019 |
East Wilkes High School | FFA | Greensboro, NC | 03/02/2019-03/03/2019 |
East Wilkes High School | Ag Students | Mount Olive, NC | 03/05/2019-03/06/2019 |
East Wilkes High School | HOSA | Charlotte, NC | 03/06/2019-03/09/2019 |
Wilkes Central High School | HOSA | Charlotte, NC | 03/06/2019-03/09/2019 |
East Wilkes High School | Poultry Team | Raleigh, NC | 03/12/2019-03/13/2019 |
Roaring River Elementary School | Camp Harrision | Boomer, NC | 05/01/2019-05/03/2019 |
On a motion by Mr. Walker, seconded by Mr. Shumate and duly carried, the Audit Services contract for fiscal year 2019 was approved as presented.
On a motion by Mr. Walker, seconded by Mr. Shumate and duly carried, the following policies were approved as presented:
Chairman Mr. Holbrook had the following announcements: