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Attachments » Attachment Two for June 7, 2021

Attachment Two for June 7, 2021

Budget Resolution

July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022

Wilkes County Board of Education
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Wilkes County School Administrative unit:

Fund 1 - State Public School Fund

Section 1 - The following amounts are hereby appropriated for the operation of the school administrative unit in the State Public School Fund for the fiscal year beginning JULY 1, 2021, and ending JUNE 30, 2022 :
5000 - Instructional Programs 54,689,567
6000 - Supporting Services 7,364,325
7000 - Ancillary Services 5,000
8000 - Non-Programmed Charges 45,000
Total State Public School Fund Appropriation $62,103,892
Section 2 - The following revenues are estimated to be available to the State Public School Fund for the fiscal year beginning JULY 1, 2021, and ending JUNE 30, 2022:
3000 - State Funds 62,103,892
Total State Public School Fund Revenues $62,103,892

Fund 2 - Local Current Expense

Section 3 - The following amounts are hereby appropriated for the operation of the school administrative unit in the Local Current Expense Fund for the fiscal year beginning JULY 1, 2021, and ending JUNE 30, 2022:
5000 - Instructional Programs 6,648,963
6000 - Supporting Services 7,243,437
7000 - Ancillary Services 36,000
8000 - Non-Programmed Charges 56,600
Total Local Current Expense Fund Appropriation $13,985,000
Section 4 - The following revenues are estimated to be available to the Local Current Expense Fund for the fiscal year beginning JULY 1, 2021, and ending JUNE 30, 2022:
4000 - Local & Other Sources 13,985,000
Total Local Current Expense Fund Revenues $13,985,000

Fund 3 - Federal Grants Fund

Section 5 - The following amounts are hereby appropriated for the operation of the school administrative unit in the Federal Grants Fund for the fiscal year beginning JULY 1, 2021, and ending JUNE 30, 2022:
5000 - Instructional Programs 8,000,000
6000 - Supporting Services 10,000,000
7000 - Ancillary Services 400,000
8000 - Non-Programmed Charges 500,000
Total Federal Grants Fund Appropriation $18,900,000
Section 6 - The following revenues are estimated to be available to the Federal Grants Fund for the fiscal year beginning JULY 1, 2021, and ending JUNE 30, 2022:
3000 - Federal Funds 18,900,000
Total Federal Grants Fund Revenues $18,900,000

Fund 4 - Capital Outlay Fund

Section 7 - The following amounts are hereby appropriated for the operation of the school administrative unit in the Capital Outlay Fund for the fiscal year beginning JULY 1, 2021, and ending JUNE 30, 2022:
5000 - Instructional Programs 820,000
6000 - Supporting Services 238,000
9000 - Capital Outlay 1,821,000
Total Capital Outlay Fund Appropriation $2,879,000
Section 8 - The following revenues are estimated to be available to the Capital Outlay Fund for the fiscal year beginning JULY 1, 2021, and ending JUNE 30, 2022:
3000 - Federal & State Funds 20,000
4000 - Local & Other Sources 2,859,000
Total Capital Outlay Revenues $2,879,000

Fund 5 - Child Nutrition Fund

Section 9 - The following amounts are hereby appropriated for the operation of the school administrative unit in the Child Nutrition Fund for the fiscal year beginning JULY 1, 2021, and ending JUNE 30, 2022:
7000 - Ancillary Services 5,530,000
8000 - Non-Programmed Charges 450,000
Total Child Nutrition Fund Appropriation $5,980,000
Section 10 - The following revenues are estimated to be available to the Child Nutrition Fund for the fiscal year beginning JULY 1, 2021, and ending JUNE 30, 2022:
3000 - Federal & State Funds 5,303,000
4000 - Local & Other Sources 677,000
Total Child Nutrition Fund Revenues $5,980,000

Fund 7 - Agency Fund

Section 11 - The following amounts are hereby appropriated for the operation of the school administrative unit in the RESA Fund for the fiscal year beginning JULY 1, 2021, and ending JUNE 30, 2022:
5000 - Instructional Programs 30,000
7000 - Ancillary Services 24,000
Total Agency Fund Appropriations $54,000
Section 12 - The following revenues are estimated to be available to the RESA Fund for the fiscal year beginning JULY 1, 2021, and ending JUNE 30, 2022:
4000 - Local & Other Sources 54,000
Total Agency Fund Revenues $54,000

Fund 8 - Current Expense Special Use Fund

Section 13 - The following amounts are hereby appropriated for the operation of the school administrative unit in the Current Expense Special Use Fund for the fiscal year beginning JULY 1, 2021, and ending JUNE 30, 2022:
5000 - Instructional Programs 4,156,518
6000 - Supporting Services 744,654
8000 - Non-Programmed Charges 117,000
Total Current Expense Special Use Fund Appropriation $5,018,172
Section 14 - The following revenues are estimated to be available to the Current Expense Special Use Fund for the fiscal year beginning JULY 1, 2021, and ending JUNE 30, 2022:
3000 - Federal & State Funds 2,566,964
4000 - Local & Other Sources 1,323,500
4910 - Fund Balance Appropriated 1,127,708
Total Current Expense Special Use Fund Revenues $5,018,172
Section 15 - All appropriations shall be paid first from revenue restricted as to use, and second from general unrestricted revenues.
Section 16 - The superintendent, or his designee, is hereby authorized to transfer appropriations within a fund under the following conditions:
  1. He may transfer amounts within any purpose not to exceed the total amount of the budgeted purpose appropriation.
  2. He may not transfer amounts between fund or purpose without an amendment to the budget by the board of education and any other appropriate governing authorities.
Section 17 - Additional funds accruing from the State Education Agency for the State Public School Fund and/or Federal Grants Fund are to be considered available and hereby appropriated to the proper fund for use through JUNE 30, 2022.
Section 18 - Copies of the Budget Resolution shall be immediately furnished to the superintendent and school finance officer for direction in carrying out their duties.
Adopted this 7th Day of June, 2021
Signed Mr. Randall "Rudy" Holbrook, Chairman of the Wilkes County Board of Education