Wilkes County Schools

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7000 Series - Personnel » 7430 Substitute Teachers

7430 Substitute Teachers

The school district will employ substitute teachers as deemed appropriate by the administration and in accordance with State Board of Education policies. The Wilkes County Board of Education recognizes the importance of employing licensed teachers as substitutes and will give first priority to substitutes who hold or have held any teaching license, and second priority to those who have completed a two-year degree from an accredited college. Substitutes with high school diplomas may also be considered with principal recommendation. Training is provided and is required for all substitutes on an annual basis.
A criminal history check will be conducted on applicants for substitute teaching positions in accordance with Board of Education policy 7100, Recruitment and Selection of Personnel, and administrative procedures.
A teacher assistant may serve, only in an emergency situation, as a substitute teacher in the classroom(s) in which the assistant is regularly assigned and will be paid additional compensation according to state policies.
Legal References: G.S. 115C-12, -36, -47, -332, 16 NCAC 6C.0313, 16 NCAC 6C.0403
Cross References: Recruitment and Selection of Personnel (policy 7100)
Adopted: January 9, 2006
Revised: February 8, 2010; January 13, 2014