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4000 Series - Students » 4361 Appeals of Long-Term Suspensions

4361 Appeals of Long-Term Suspensions

The parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s) have three days from receipt of the superintendent's letter to appeal his/her decision. This request for an appeal needs to be in writing and addressed to the office of the superintendent. A hearing committee will convene within five days of receipt of the notice of appeal and the results of this appeal will be sent in writing to the parent(s)/legal guardian(s) within five days of the hearing. The parent(s)/legal guardian(s) will have ten days to appeal in writing to the Board of Education the results of the hearing committee.
The appeal will be on the superintendent's decision and on the record made in any prior administrative hearing. The Board of Education will review the superintendent’s decision to determine that (1) there was a reasonable basis for determining that the student engaged in the specified misbehavior; (2) that a Board of Education policy, school standard, or rule was violated; (3) that the consequence for the violation was reasonable; and (4) procedures required by Board of Education policy were followed. The Board of Education, at its discretion, may request additional information or evidence.
An adverse decision by the Board of Education may be appealed by the student to a court of law, in certain circumstances, as provided by statute.
Legal References:  G.S. 115C-45, -47, -276, -391
Cross References:  Student Discipline Hearing Procedures (policy 4370)
Adopted:  February 6, 2006
Revised:  May 1, 2023