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Title I - School Plans » Traphill Elementary School's PFE Plan

Traphill Elementary School's PFE Plan

Title 1 School Parent and Family Engagement Plan

School Year:  2023-2024

School:  Traphill Elementary School

Date Submitted:  September 26, 2023

Policy Involvement

Describe your plan to involve parents in the development of this policy and how you intend to document their participation and feedback.
Traphill Elementary staff, in conjunction with our PTO and Parent Advisory, met on July 26th, 2023 to give input and approval of this year's Parent and Family Engagement Plan. This plan was shared at Open House on August 25th. Parents were invited at Open House to volunteer to serve on the Parent Advisory Team. Parent Advisory meetings are held once per quarter here at Traphill Elementary, and a district-wide meeting is held each year at Central Services. Parent Advisory meetings are documented with agendas, notes, and attendance sheets.

Shared Responsibility for High Student Academic Achievement

Describe your plan to develop your school compact and gain meaningful collaboration with families.
At the Parent Advisory meeting in July, we examined our Parent Compact to determine if it was still relevant or needed revising. It was determined that our compact would remain the same. The Parent Compact was reviewed with parents at Open House on August 25th, 2023, and returned at the first of the school year. Parents, students, teachers, and administration sign the compact confirming they will fulfill their responsibilities for achievement. Applicable meetings related to the Compact that take place throughout the year are: Attendance meetings, Parent-Teacher conferences, and Student Behavior conferences.

Building Capacity for Involvement

Describe how your school will provide programs to assist parents in building capacity to be involved in their child's education.
Beginning at Open House, parents/guardians are encouraged to connect with the school in a variety of ways. Traphill hosts three PTO/Curriculum nights during the school year at which parents receive information about School Improvement, School Report Cards, Title I, etc. during the PTO portion of the evening. When parents and students are dismissed from the Gym, they head to their classrooms to receive training on specific curricular standards, receive modeling on games and activities that will support their child's achievement and growth, and receive materials to facilitate the activities at home. Traphill Elementary staff members schedule conferences with parents quarterly in which they discuss Individual Reading Plans, assessment results, and MTSS information so parents stay informed about their child's areas of strength and opportunity areas. Parents are offered multiple opportunities throughout the year to participate in field trips, award days, Field Days, and other extracurricular events. Parents as well as other approved family members, along with members of the local community, have constant opportunities to complete an application through Volunteer Tracker so they can serve as chaperones for field trips, supervise dances, and serve as lunch buddies or reading buddies. 


Describe how you plan to make all of these programs accessible to all of the parents at your school.
Events are scheduled at various times during the day/evening/weekends in order to allow all parents to have an opportunity to connect with the school. All events are heavily advertised/communicated through ClassDojo, Facebook, Instagram, fliers, School Messenger calls, and the use of our school sign. Traphill does not have an assigned interpreter, but the Lead Interpreter for the district provides translation services.


Describe how your Title I Parent and Family Engagement funds will be used to support these efforts.
At the beginning of each year, the Parent Advisory meets with our School Improvement Team to discuss our Title I Budget and the recent temporary Parent and Family Engagement Budget. Parents who serve on the School Improvement Team provide input and assist in approving the final Title I Budget expenditures. If revisions are done throughout the year, they are communicated at the next School Improvement Team meeting. This year, purchases from the budget will go to purchase paper and card stock for handbooks, supplies for curriculum nights, and for additional learning resources available for check-out by parents from the Parenting Library. The Parenting Library will be advertised and promoted through all of our communication venues.

This document was jointly developed with our School Improvement Team, PTO officers, and the Parent Advisory Council. Every meeting with our parents is documented with an agenda, sign-in sheet, and minutes of the meeting. For a copy of any of the documentation mentioned in this plan, please contact Mrs. Carol Cleary at 336-651-7160.
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